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Brink ISO | RIP | JTAG Xbox 360

Brink RIP | ESP | ENG | DUAL LAYER Xbox 360
Brink RIP | ESP | ENG | DUAL LAYER Xbox 360

Brink RIP | ESP | ENG | DUAL LAYER Xbox 360
Brink RIP | ESP | ENG | DUAL LAYER Xbox 360
Brink RIP | ESP | ENG | DUAL LAYER Xbox 360


Brink is shooter game by Splash Damage, the Developer and Bethesda, the publisher. Game has been released in Japan in 2011 for many platforms including xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Game has both single and multi player modes which means you can have the fun of playing this game with your friends and family too. Clearly, the game has ultra sharp graphics and visuals that makes the game more realistic and clean for gamers. Game has been built with the SMART system which means Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain. The game shows up the complex environment of the game by just guessing the next move of the gamer. Navigating through the game is just another great feature of the game, Super easy controls are added to game for the ease of players.

The character classes system is just amazing with classes as soldiers, medic, engineer and operative. Soldiers have the same orders as an elite force to destroy objects with explosvies and more. While other classes such as engineers, medics and operatives specially have their own distant jobs to do in the game. 

The player can choose between these classes and be the best one in them. Game has been made in the 2045 which means the next-gen weapons are also added to game that explains the game as a completely advanced system and standard. The game is on a man made island call The Ark
The game is also touched with the green house effect on Earth so an Island has been made to conserve energy and live.


:Required System:

Graphics Card --- Geforce GTX 460
Processor --- 2.66 Ghz Core i5-750
RAM --- 3 GB
OS --- Win Vista 64 Bit OS
Space Required --- 25 GB

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I am just a new blogger with skills to pay the bills! I will share all the new stuff for you guys and only for you guys! Gamign is my passion!
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